Saturday, November 20, 2010

Earthlink Webmail

Earthlink WebmailLatest news Update About Earthlink Webmail: Earthlink Webmail is one of the best webmail services seen nowadays. The service enables users to not only use webmail but also do lots of stuff in the background that normal webmail programs don't do. The Earthlink Webmail allows a user to send and receive emails from phones and that isn't done the traditional GPRS way, there is a whole separate service for that and that enables the user to use the phone as an email device.

The Earthlink Webmail also comes with complete security features like antivirus and antimalware programs that help users get absolutely safe email without the hassles of getting a virus in an email. The security system is the most updated one with Norton 2010. Apart from that every user gets to make their own start page for their webmail and that enables them to put whatever features they want at the start page; it's kind of like a personal email desktop.

Earthlink is probably the best web hosting company out there because the services they provide just couldn't be thought of on a normal basis. They even give a free email device with a subscription of mobile email. Other than that they provide excellent data protection and data backup services that are not seen elsewhere. Their Carbonite software is such intelligent data backup software that it detects by itself what new files have been added to the system and then backs up those files whenever the system is idle. This leaves the user with complete data backup on the Earthlink servers.

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