Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens, Stop me if I've ranted about this before. Well, actually, stop reading because you can't stop me. I'm currently watching a program on the History Channel (not to be confused with the History International Channel, which is known around these parts as Hitler & Hauntings TV) about ancient aliens, because, you know, there's a slew of evidence that ALIENS were here leaving behind random tidbits of "advanced" knowledge about super-technical things that humans couldn't have known a few thousand years ago because they were so primitive and unsophisticated and simple.

They don't, of course, call them "primitive" or "unsophisticated" or "simple" anymore. They used to when this particular genre of programming started up but I guess they got enough grief about that to stop being so blatantly insulting. Now they talk all around some tantalizing bits of ancient knowledge and fascinating artifacts that "seem to indicate" and "point to" visitations by aliens. Because what else could it possibly be?

What has sent me over the edge this evening is a segment on some stylized gold figurines that are CLEARLY advanced aircraft because they demonstrate an understanding of aerodynamics. Never mind that these artifacts are quite magnificently and exactingly rendered by the same people who…couldn't have sorted out anything about aerodynamics. I guess the aliens helped with that too.

Anyway, their point is that obviously, until the aliens came along, there wasn't anything around that could demonstrate aerodynamics in action and be in any way instructive to naturally curious human beings.



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