Monday, November 22, 2010

Barefoot Running Shoes

Barefoot Running ShoesLatest News Update About Barefoot Running Shoes: Barefoot Running Shoes, brokers are asking a few runners used to wonder: Should I run barefoot? There are, of course, many barefoot runners who think all runners must run barefoot, but it's best to consider the source and give this opinion as much credit as the trial of chiropractic adjustments all need regular cord.

The real answer for the question of whether to run barefoot is that it depends. An unbiased examination of the pros and cons of running barefoot suggests three types of runners must run barefoot. I recommend you do a full conversion to run barefoot if and only if:

1. Do you really want to be a barefoot runner, not because of injury does not magically make it safe for ever (not), but simply because you like the idea or the feeling of running barefoot, or you want to belong to the barefoot running community, or because other non-rational (emotional, social, spiritual) reason to run barefoot called fantasy.

There is a cost associated with making a complete switch to run barefoot. To successfully do that, basically, have to hit the "rest" button and start again as a runner. Runners try to change running shoes barefoot in otherwise very slowly are doomed to suffer an injury, sometimes serious. (An acquaintance who runs a running specialty store tells me a woman limping in the store recently with two stress fractures of the calcaneus as a result of an experiment in running shoes.) In principle, most runners can leave time his shoes back, but what are they getting in return for that investment? Perhaps a modest reduction in the risk of injury in general, and almost certainly no gain in performance. Hmmm.

2. Always injured in all types of running shoes, you're desperate and have nothing to lose, and running barefoot is the only thing I have not tried.

Because barefoot running is extremely disturbing and carries its own risks, should be addressed as a solution to the problems of injury only after less extreme measures have been exhausted.

3. You make the whole journey in the sand or grass.

The first human runners can run barefoot, but he did on the asphalt. I think the human body is "tuned" to run barefoot on grass and clay. That is why it feels good. Roads and trails are much harder surfaces, and I think a shoe buffer is required for these areas back into line (literally, in terms of frequency of vibration of the impact forces passing through the tissues of the lower extremities) with the body. In other words, it runs on (fairly minimal) shoes on tracks and roads is roughly equivalent to running barefoot on a golf course or the beach.

If you fit any of the three descriptions, god bless you. Donate shoe4africa shoes, because the African runners love shoes and run freely. The rest of us, however, should stick to running in shoes with most of the time. More explicitly, do not attempt a full conversion to run barefoot if:

1. You are happy with their current operation shoes, or with conventional running shoes in general.

This is in accordance with the principle of not fixing what is not broken. Fixing what is not broken is always dangerous in a high-impact activity like running.

2. You are a serious competitive runner.

Each elite track and road corridor in the world today and the main train exclusively in racing shoes. This includes East African, which necessarily run barefoot as children, but switching to running shoes at the first opportunity and never look back. Why? I think it's mainly because they are simply more comfortable shoes. And why are more comfortable in the shoes? Is it because they are a wuss? No, because it runs in the shoes is less stressful on the legs. And due to running with shoes is less stressful on the legs, can run more. And because it runs longer, but more fit and race faster.

There are a lot of money and glory at stake at the highest level of the sport of distance running. If going barefoot offers an advantage, elite runners would.

3. You are more comfortable running on any type of running shoes that are running barefoot.

The issue of comfort is essential. Research by Benno Nigg from the University of Calgary has shown that the racers are cheaper and have less risk of injury when running in the most comfortable shoes available. The body is smart. The feeling of comfort in a shoe is the shape of your body to tell that the shoe does not hurt you in the joint force their preferred movement patterns or forcing the overactive muscles in shock absorption. The theory that running barefoot is more natural than running shoe is attractive, but the feeling theory of success. Unless you are most comfortable running barefoot in their normal area of operation than they do in their shoes, you are actually running in a more natural (ie the way your body wants to run) on shoes.

Yesterday, while driving home from work, saw a man running barefoot on the sidewalk. He looked extremely uncomfortable, as if running on the coals. You see people do the craziest things in disregard of their senses when they get a fixed idea in his head. Like drinking poison Kool-Aid.

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