Monday, December 6, 2010

Value Of Sameness

Latest News Update About Value Of Sameness: On the business coaching video below (Watch me arise out of the 'Sea Of Sameness'―the water is definitely getting colder!) I reveal another concept when it comes to helping you as an entrepreneur analyze business value.

During the course of the 30 minute exclusive webinar I reveal Intellectual Property strategies for entrepreneurs so that you can create and sell your information for obscenely high prices. I teach this because every entrepreneur―it doesn't matter which part of the world I travel or the venues I speak at―undervalues their information.That's because you don't have a specific system to help you properly identify your true value.

Today's greatest source of instant wealth is in knowing how to translate your information into intellectual capital.

Intellectual capital. Knowledge capital. Intellectual property. This is what today's fastest growth companies have.

In order to NEVER compete on price, you need to understand a completely different paradigm on how to create your products and services.

If you want to command top dollar for what exists between your ears, then take the time to understand how to evaluate your ideas with a process that will help you translate this into massive cash flow.

Today's fastest growing companies know that linear growth is no longer an option: accelerated growth is crucial especially for small businesses selling their information online.

And this means you as an entrepreneur must have a way of accelerating your cash flow.

Watch the short 3 minute video below to understand the different between price and value. (I surface from our International Office―out of the 'Sea Of Sameness'―to reveal this to you.)

To Accelerated Profits With Your IP!

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