Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Photoshop CS4 Cartoon

Photoshop CS4 Cartoon In Background, Basic, Contrast, Designing, Digital Effects, Effects, Interior Design, PSD, Photoshop, Templates, Tools Designing, Transform, by NadeemSMB




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Well, in this Photoshop tutorial we'll be designing a very cool, cartoon-themed navigation set!

Photoshop CS4 Cartoon Effects

1. New Document & Background

First of all, make a new document that we can follow this tutorial out in. I've used 500×500 or so, but my images in this tutorial will be 340 x 380 to save you loading time etc.

So after you've created your document, make a background that will suit the tutorial (cartoonish, fun, etc.) In the background I've made a #61b3d9 to #2678bc gradient and a double scan lines pattern.

2. The Heading

We'll start off with the header. Create a new layer and make a selection near the top around 200×120 in size.

Apply the following layer styles to the 'header' layer.

Create a new layer then select the main header layer again. With the gradient tool make a radial white to black gradient from the top left of the selection to the bottom right like so:

Change the layer mode for this gradient layer to Overlay, and change the opacity to 40%.

That will make it look nice and vibrant.

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